Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wanna shed pounds whilst gaining strength? Consider yourself SALVAGED!


Do you know how it feels to watch the smile spread like a tsunami across a client's face, who's standing upon a weighing machine and having lost 5 kg. in less than 3 weeks without any crash-dieting, turns back and gives you a high-five, eyes-widespread in disbelief and the face- a beacon of joy!

Would it make you sit up and take notice if we claimed that you could lose "more than" 10 kg (that's 22 pounds+) in less than 3 months.......Nope?

Erm, without crash-dieting? It means you can literally binge at your favourite foods (with just a little tweaking) and still lose weight

And what you will be doing is only--3 workouts per week, lasting (hold your breath at your own risk) only 15 minutes a day! AND, WHATEVER YOUR AGE, EVERYBODY CAN DO THEM, SANS ANY INJURY!

(Your thoughts--what the *^#*..............how's it even comprehend-able, right?)

Well, the highway ahead is smooth for sure, so buckle up!

It wasn't a typing error up there! SO, to sum up our deal- You will be losing 10 kg+, in less than 3 months' time, without crash-dieting, without surviving just on vegetables, and getting stronger than ever whilst working out in 15 minute sessions for 3 days/week only!

Welcome to the light at the end of the tunnel!

All of the above is possible, Guaranteed and without any side-effects! And all this, without avoiding your fav. foods. There aren't any creams, fat burners or sauna belts here!


This program isn't just for people who are seriously obese! Most of us are unhappy with our little bulges and would all like to knock off some kilos to attain the 'scientifically ideal' weight!

Now, to expand a little on this magic-wand of ours- we all know what hordes of people follow a diet based on the glycemic index, choosing to eat foods that have a low glycemic idex. It works but only in maintaining the weight, or at the most, you would be losing 2-4 kilos at the max and then stagnating!

The story of almost everyone's life, right? WELL, NO MORE!

Enter something, which has been long-forgotten by us city-folks! A super-abbreviated workout routine which strengthens you like an Ox, and torches fat off of your body!


  1. A housewife with a pretty sedentary lifestyle, managed to knock off 6 kg in less than a months' time!
  2. Male, age-24. Weighed close to 120 kg. Lost 2 inches off his waist in a months' time, and inside 2 months, progressed to performing one full body push-up, whereas earlier he couldn't perform one......whist even bent on his knees! Now that's a massive jump in strength alongside losing pounds too!
  3. Male, age-50. Lost 1 inch off his waist in 2 weeks and managed to perform 20 body-weight squats with super-strict form after 1.5 months, whereas earlier he could manage only a shaky couple. (P.S. his performance had my jaw-drop in amazement myself further and further as i kept on counting)
And these results are- TYPICAL!


  1. Build unreal strength.
  2. Bone reinforcement, enabling more calcium deposition resulting in stronger bones, hence preventing osteoporosis.
  3. Increased lung capacity, hence, a healthier heart resulting in low stroke probability.
  4. Increased Tendon strength enabling you to lift heavier weights.
  5. Increased lean muscle mass, resulting in a higher B.M.R. which further accelerates fat loss.


Hmm, so? Changing your life for the better by devoting just 15 minutes thrice a week seem
like music to ears? Ever heard the cliche- "too good to be true"?

Well, if you ever feel like challenging the old adage and poking fun in its face,

Call us at 9810067431

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